Do You Like Me Letter Funny

guy drinking tea

Ah, crushes! We've all had them, and they're exhilarating and absolutely terrible at the same time. All of those conflicting feelings, that uncertainty about what you should say and exercise.

How to apparel, how to act, when to laugh, when to make a joke, when yous should say something or stay silent.

Information technology gets even harder when you simply think of actually confessing to your crush. That'due south where we come in, as we want to help you with some beautiful paragraphs to transport to your trounce.

When you know what's within your soul and your heart, but not how to lay it out on a table for your crush, this'll come in handy.

You can send quotes throughout the day, at any given moment. Just select the ones you experience represent yous best, and we're certain that the person you really like will take hold of on.

If they don't, hey, but send a few more! Sometimes you accept to be a bit persistent, just don't overdo it. Afterward you're together, remember to have quality conversations each day.

Paragraphs To Transport To Your Crush Right Now

Stop designing your own enigmas and get-go actually talking to your crush! You like them for who they are, and nosotros're certain that they'll like you lot back for who you are besides.

In that location'south no need for yous to become a love poet overnight either, as you lot can apply our suggestions. These next 37 paragraphs for your shell will surely lite a spark!

  • One of my wishes every mean solar day is to autumn asleep as I'thou talking with you on the phone, or texting you a sweet good night bulletin. Every morning time, I wake upward hoping I have a message from you, or wanting to leave yous a expert morning text for when y'all wake upward.
  • I call back of you and so frequently that I observe myself wondering what'due south real anymore. If I know one thing for certain, is that a reality that I want to live is ane in which you lot're by my side. Do you want to start a new journey with me?
  • You lot're 1 of my top reasons for looking forward to a new 24-hour interval. Only thinking of coming together upwardly, hearing your vocalism and seeing your beautiful grinning is plenty to make me happy. I wish I could ever feel similar I exercise when I'm with you.
  • Sometimes I merely close my optics and daydream. My mind oftentimes simply wanders to this or that, only you are always function of my thoughts as well. I dream about usa being together, and you knowing only how much I care near you.
  • I'thousand not the best at putting my feelings into words, but I want to try nonetheless, considering I really care about y'all. Well, that'south information technology actually, I've said it. I care about you and desire to be more than friends. Practice you feel the same?
  • When I'm past your side, it'due south similar all of my fears, worries and anxieties melt away thanks to your warm presence. I actually feel blessed and thankful for having y'all in my life. Each twenty-four hour period with you is a retention worth having.
  • I've been struggling with an uneasy feeling for a long time now, and I think it's time I came directly to the indicate. Affair is, I love you. I've loved you since we offset became adept friends, and I hope y'all feel the same style; but if non, that'due south ok.
  • I usually think well-nigh yous a lot over a regular day, just the last time nosotros met, damn, you were actually cute. I keep thinking well-nigh you lot over and over and I merely can't get your smiling out of my head; not that it's a bad thing, listen yous.
  • We've been friends a while now, and I detect myself really drawn in to y'all. There'due south just something that can't be put precisely into words, but I feel similar I dearest you. Not but as a friend, but I love you because we are such good friends. Does that make sense?
  • You're never far from me fifty-fifty if we're autonomously, considering I always keep you in my eye.
  • When we offset met, I don't really call back what my impression of you was, but I never expected to autumn in honey. I was never a "fan" of love, and I didn't look these feelings I have to develop for you either, but I know that they're true.
  • I but have this powerful feeling that every bit long every bit I take you, I don't need anyone else. Y'all're my pillar, my reason for laughing, for seeing life in brighter colors. I dearest you, and information technology's similar I don't need to dear anyone else.
  • Even if I can't always exist by your side, I want you to know that a role of me is with you lot at all times, considering you're never out of my listen. You lot realize that, don't y'all?
  • I think that telling someone they're the near beautiful person in the world is extremely cliche, equally that's statistically very improbable. And yet, I find myself thinking that from billions of people out there, you surely are that person.
  • You know, I think perfection is made up. There are no perfect things, no perfect people. If you want to search for perfection, you lot'll waste your time. What I similar most yous so much is that your flaws play overnice with mine, and I'd be lucky if you wanted to be more than friends. So, what exercise you say?
  • My life can be stressful and annoying sometimes. I tin can experience overwhelmed, exhausted, like the weight of the globe is on my shoulders and that's how it'll ever be. But, when you lot're near me, it'southward like this great chasm in my soul is knit back together. You are my healer.
  • What I capeesh near about our friendship is how we make each other amend. We're similar salt & pepper, and for a while at present I've been wanting to accept us to the next step. What practise you think?
  • You must surely be a wizard/witch, because the spell you cast over me since nosotros met just doesn't seem to go away. I but desire to meet up with you and stay upward late to continue our conversations on & on into the night. I take no desire for this spell to end either.
  • Whenever I lack the inspiration or dedication to do something, I call up of you. You're my driving force each and every day, and I tin't even begin to give thanks yous for that. Whenever I lack the courage or self-balls to start something new, I know I take you lot there to dorsum me up.
  • I'm pretty amazed that other people aren't in love with you too, because no one could blame them. You are really amazing, and a wonderful person to be effectually. I couldn't imagine a twenty-four hours passing by without having talked with you lot.
  • I know I've been taking upwardly a lot of your fourth dimension lately. It'due south true that I've been greedy and desire you all for myself, but it's because you're a bang-up guy/daughter. Everyone should have the pleasance of your company, merely I'll admit that I'd like it if yous could spend all your fourth dimension with me instead.
  • Hey, I've been looking for someone who really brightens up my day when I talk with them and whose laughter just makes my soul burst with joy. Then, when you get a chance to look into a mirror, will you delight allow yourself know that yous should requite me a call?
  • Seeing you lot sad or hurt has go the hardest thing for me to do. I'm really not guilt tripping you hither, I simply desire to signal out that you're a special person in my life, and that I'll always attempt to do my best to brand sure you're ever safe and happy.
  • Never fearfulness, for your own superhero is always hither! No thing your trials or tribulations, just look to your trusty telephone and ship me a message. I'll put on my cape and be on my style to shield you from all evildoers and heartache!
  • You know, if I was a vocalizer, I could write a really awesome love song. If I was a writer instead, well I'm sure I could create the greatest of love stories and information technology'd be a bestseller. I'm neither though, so how about you and me simply stick to creating our own class of dear?
  • I'one thousand non precisely sure where my life is going right now or what awaits me down the route, just I've come up to know one affair for sure. Whatever happens, I want you to be a office of that. I want to keep to appreciate, respect, be amazed by and honey you lot.
  • Your jokes must be the funniest things I've heard in my life. Not because they're adept, because they're actually bad, merely that's exactly why I dearest them. That'due south exactly why I love you. You can make me laugh when no one else can, in your own unique style.
  • There'due south no place that I can call 'home", because I don't believe that dwelling is a place. Dwelling is a feeling, information technology's the people around y'all. Information technology'due south when y'all feel prophylactic, loved, and happy at the same time, like nothing bad could happen. Information technology's how I feel when I'm with you.
  • I realized that I dearest yous. I know this might sound very sudden and strange, but I'm sure of it. How? I have no event sharing my things and life with you. I'm ok with watching movies I don't necessarily similar if we're together. You tin eat all of my french fries and I don't care. I know I tin can tell you anything, and you'll go on it secret. Do you lot experience the same?
  • I'm thankful that I got to meet you lot. At the time, I felt similar my life was going nowhere and that I had no one to care about or feel attached to. Then, I met y'all, and you're the closest friend I've e'er had. Thing is, I've come to really love yous, and well, this is my telling you but that.
  • No ane, and I hateful no one has ever made me as happy as you have. From the laughter you bring into my life, to the everlasting joy yous get out on each of my days that you're role of, you're one of a kind. I know now that I honey you, and that I want to spend all my waking moments with yous.
  • For a long time now, I've had a serious crush on yous, only had no idea how to express information technology. I really looked for some cute paragraphs to say to your crush and so that I don't come up off equally too pushy or inappropriate, only none of them matched my feelings. Only then did I realize that there's no need for a fancy way to say "I honey yous".
  • More and more I catch myself slipping abroad into daydreaming. I don't realize it at start, but after my friends or colleagues go "hellooo? are yous listening?", I and then come to my senses and observe what'south going on. You know the funny thing about it? Those daydreams are always almost yous.
  • I was never good with expressing my feelings, or talking near beloved. I'chiliad more of a logical person and that's who I want to be. However, I have this gnawing sensation in the depth of my gut that'south e'er there no matter what, and I finally figured out why. It went away the moment I admitted to myself that I love you.
  • Right me if I'm incorrect, but we've been flirty with each other a while now, and I don't want it to be just a casual on & off thing. I really care about y'all as a person, and I want to think of you every bit my boyfriend/girlfriend considering…I'm in dear with you lot.
  • All correct, I have something to say, and so here goes: I have a large crush on you. Thing is, that's the easy part for me; and I hateful, being in dearest with you. The hard part is all the time that I am away from you.
  • All those childhoods stories I read with knights in shining armor and damsels in distress felt and then airheaded. I never thought those dear stories actually be in the real world. But, I was incorrect. Because, at present I understand all of it, as I feel that mode for you lot.

Wrapping It Up

Making your feelings known tin be a stressful experience, as you lot're letting yourself be vulnerable. However, just utilize our list of romantic paragraphs to send to your vanquish, and information technology'll be easier.

Choose any that y'all think fit who you lot are all-time, or go alee and dabble with them to make them your own. After it works out and the two of y'all are together, hither are 130 romantic quotes to brighten up your partner'south day!


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